Helium Certification App



This document provides an overview of the core functionality provided by the Helium certification app. The app can be accessed from getcertified.heliumapps.com.



Entity Management

Users of the app that belong to the "Administrator" role, have access to various entity management features. These include adding and editing questions that will be considered as candidate questions during the administering of tests. In addition, questions can be marked as deprecated in which case they will not be considered for future tests.

In addition to managing test questions, administrators also have the ability to create, edit, and deleted organisations. These organisations are linked to examiner and developer users. 



User Management

Users of the app that belong to the "Administrator" role, have access to create, edit and delete administrator users, examiner users and developers. For developer users, bulk invite functionality is also provided by means of a CSV upload. See the example CSV file at the bottom of this section. Note that developer users have to be linked to an organisation during creation and Examiner users have to be linked to at least one organisation.

Management of developer users are also available to examiners. In this case examiners will only be able to link developers to organisations that are linked to them.

All user management functionality is available from the "User Management" menu item.

Sample developer bulk upload CSV




System Configuration

Basic system configuration includes the following:

  • The number of questions per difficulty level for tests,
  • The time limit of tests
  • The pass score percentage for tests.
  • Various notification settings
  • Settings related to automatic e-mailing of certificates upon test completion

This functionality is only available to administrator users and can be accessed from the "Configuration" menu item.



Administering of Tests

In order to administer a test, it must first be authorised. This functionality is only available to examiner users. During test authorisation, the user will be prompted for an expiry date. The authorisation will expire on a schedule shortly after midnight of the specified date and will not be valid afterwards. In addition to an expiry date, the Examiner must also select the developers for the test authorisation. Note that these will be limited to developers in his organisations. This functionality is available under the "Developer Test Menu" menu item.

Once a test has been authorised for a developer, the developer can start the test from the "Start Test" menu item. This has to be done before the authorisation expires. If the authorisation expires during the test, the developer will still be able to complete the test.

Once a test has been started the developer will have a specific time limit in which to complete it. This, along with the number of question and pass score percentage, is configurable.

Once a developer has exceeded the  test time limit, the test will end and marks will be lost for unanswered questions.

Questions are in the form of multiple choice where one or more answer might be relevant based on the question.

Once the test is completed or the time for the test has expired, the developer will be presented with the test results.

If at any time during the test developers are signed out or navigate away from the test, they will be allowed to resume the test from the "Start Test" menu item.

Question sets are randomly generated for each developer test that is administered. Questions for the test cover all topics and have an equal number of tests per difficulty level. The difficulty levels are Junior, Mid Level and Senior.



Viewing Test Results

Administrators can view all test results in the system whereas examiners can only view tests results for tests that were authorised by them. In both cases, the functionality can be accessed from the "Developer Test Menu" menu item.

Developers can view all their historic test results using the "Your Test Results" menu item. Note that during an active test, developers will not be able to access historic results.




Other than invite notifications, all notifications in the app are currently sent using e-mail. Notifications are sent:

  • To developers when authorised for a test
  • To developers when an active test expires while they are not logged in to the app

The above notifications are only sent when specified as such in the system configuration. This can be accessed from the  "Configuration" menu item for administrator users.



Test Certificates

Upon completion of a test, and given a sufficient score is achieved, a certificate is issued to the developer. These certificates can be downloaded in PDF format using the "Download Certificates" menu item. All three roles have access to this menu item and the certificates available are filtered as follow:

  • Developers have access to their own certificate
  • Examiners have access to certificates for developers belonging to their organisations
  • Administrators have access to certificates for all developers