Quick Reference

Quick Reference

HeliumDev Client Setup

java -jar HeliumDev-app-1.5.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar
he-dev> set server=dev
he-dev> server set uri=https://dev.mezzanineware.com
he-dev> server set user=usrname
he-dev> server password
he-dev> set mobileNumber=278212345678
he-dev> set project=Helium Tutorial
he-dev> project set roles=System Admin
he-dev> project set dir=/workspace/helium-tut

HeliumDev Client Common Commands

java -jar HeliumDev-app-1.5.0-jar-with-dependencies.jar
he-dev> help
he-dev> new-sandbox
he-dev> build
he-dev> run
he-dev> release 

Project Folder Structure

├── notification-templates
│   └── en.json
├── builtin-reports
│   └── foo-report
│       ├── foo_image.png
│       └── foo_report.jrxml
├── jasper-reports
│   └── bar-report
│       ├── master.jrxml
│       └── report.json
├── model
│   └── MyCustomObject.mez
├── sql-scripts
│   └── myStartupScript.sql
├── services
│   └── UserInvite.mez
├── utilities
│   └── dateStringFormatter.mez
└── web-app
	├── email-templates
    │   └── template1.html
    ├── images
    │   ├── BarMenuIcon.png
    │   └── FooMenuIcon.png
    ├── lang
    │   └── en.lang
    ├── presenters
    │   ├── PresenterFilesCon.mez
    │   └── TainingDslUnits.mez
    └── views
    │   ├── BarView.vxml
    │   └── FooView.vxml
	└── static
		├── dashboard.html
        ├── dashboard.css
		└── dashboard.js

Hello World

XML view snippet
<info label="some.lang_file.label">
   <binding variable="helloWorld" />
DSL presenter snippet
string helloWorld;
void init() { 
  helloWorld = "Hello, World";

DSL Basics

//this is a comment
/* this is a multi-
	line comment */
unit UnitName;

MyCustomFoo globalScopedFoo;

void myFunction () {
	globalScopedFoo = MyCustomFoo:new();

MyCustomFoo myReturnTypeFunction () {
	MyCustomFoo localScopedFoo = MyCustomFoo:new();
	return localScopedFoo;

View Basics

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ui xmlns="http://uiprogram.mezzanine.com/View" 
   xsi:schemaLocation="http://uiprogram.mezzanine.com/View ../View.xsd">
   <view label="view_heading.for_this_view" unit="LinkedUnit"
         init="onPageLoadFunction" destroy="onPageExitFunction">
      <!-- this is a comment -->
      <info label="at.least.one.widget">
         <binding variable="variableInLinkedUnit" />
         <binding variable="otherUnit:variableInOtherUnit" />


<view label="view_heading.nurse_management" unit="NurseManagement">
<view label="view_heading.nurse_details" unit="NurseDetails">
	<button label="action.back" action="back" />
unit NurseDetails;
//returns member of auto-generated enum DSL_VIEWS
DSL_VIEWS back() {	
    return DSL_VIEWS.NurseManagement; //corresponds to vxml file name


object Person 
    string fname;
    string sname;
    int age;
persistent object Person
    string fname;
    string sname;
    int age;


int[] integerCollection;
MyCustomObject[] objectCollection;
MyCustomObject fourthObject = objectCollection.get(3);
MyCustomObject objectAtIndex = objectCollection.get(i); 

Built-in Data Types

comparison operators
 +  -  *  / %
int a = (2 + 3 * 15) % 2
>  <  ==  >=  <=  !=
if (a <= b) {... 

>  <  ==  >=  <=  !=
string a = "alpha"; string b = "bravo";
if (a < b) {... //true 
+  -  *  / %
decimal a = (2 + 3 * 15) % 2
>  <  ==  >=  <=  !=
if (a <= b / 5) {...
+  -  *  / %
bigint a = (2 + 3 * 1500000000000l) % 2
>  <  ==  >=  <=  !=
if (a <= b) {...
||  &&
bool a = b || c
==  !=
if ((i == 1) && (i == j)) {...

>  <  ==  >=  <=  !=
date d = Mez:now();
date d2 = Date:addDays(d, 10);
if (d2 > d) {... //true

>  <  ==  >=  <=  !=
datetime dt = Mez:now();
datetime dt2 = Date:addDays(dt, 10);
if (dt2 > dt) {... //true

==  !=
if (u == u2) { ...




(Variables of all primitive types are null after declaration, until assigned a value)

Control Structures

if(name == "Tom") {
    Mez:log("Hello Tom!");
} else if (name == "Frank") {
    Mez:log("Hello Frank!");
} else {
    Mez:log("Hi! Who are you?");
for(int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
int i = 0;
for(; i < 10;) {
    Mez:log("While style loop!");
SomeObject[] objectCollection = SomeObject:all();
foreach(SomeObject currentObject: objectCollection) {
	currentObject.description = "Foreach style loop!";
try {
    Mez:log("inside try statement");
    // throws an exception now ...
} catch (ex){
    Mez:log("inside catch statement");
} finally {
    Mez:log("inside finally statement");
void throwStatementExample(){
    Mez:log("Throwing an exception now ...");
    string error = "Oops, something went wrong!";
    throw error;

Type Conversion

date value = Date:fromString("2017-01-02");
datetime value = Date:fromTimeString("2017-1-20 08:45:12 GMT");
int value = Integer:fromString("12");
decimal value = Decimal:fromString("12.01");
bigint value = 1631104351673l; //note the 'l' at the end of the literal
bigint value = "1631104351673";//no 'l' when converting from string
bigint value = 1234; //implicit converstion from int
bigint value = Date:now();//implicit conversion from datetime
uuid value = Uuid:fromString("c1bd11cb-4bb2-43e5-88b4-009ed40fc69f");
string s = value; //value = any of above types
string s = String:concat("", value);
json jsonPerson = /%
		"name": "John",
		"surname": "Smith",
		"phoneNumber": "555-6162"
jsonarray pets = /%
			"name": "Jasmine",
			"type": "Dog"
			"name": "Markus",
			"type": "Mole-rat"
jsonarray primeNumbersJsonArray = /%[2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29]%/;
int[] primeNumbersPrimitiveArray = primeNumbersJsonArray;

Built-in Functions (BIFs)

Date BIFs

date d = Date:addSeconds(startDate, 10);
date d = Date:addDays(startDate, 10);
date d = Date:addMonths(startDate, 10);
int diff = Date:secondsBetween(dt1, dt2);
int diff = Date:daysBetween(d1, d2);
int diff = Date:monthsBetween(d1, d2);
int yr = Date:extract(dt, "year");
date d = Date:fromString("2017-01-02");
datetime dt = Date:fromUnixTimestamp(1631104351673l);
datetime dt = Date:fromTimeString("2017-1-20 08:45:12 GMT");
datetime dt = Date:now();
date d = Date:today();

String BIFs

string s = String:concat("abc","def");
string[] result = String:split("abc def", " ");
string[] result = String:split("abc|def", "\\|");
int i = String:length("Hello world");
string s = String:substring("Hello World", 1, 4);
string s = String:lower("Hello World");
string s = String:upper("hello world");
bool b = String:startsWith("Hello World", "Hello");
bool b = String:endsWith("Hello World", "World");
bool b = String:regexMatch("27000111222", "^27[0-9]{9,}$");
int i = String:indexOf("Hello World", "ello");
string s = String:join(stringCollection, " ");
string s = String:translate("translation.key");
string s = /%
	This is a
	multi line string
string encodedTest = String:urlEncode("The string ü@foo-bar");
// encodedTest = The+string+%C3%BC%40foo-ba
string s = String:regexReplaceFirst("ab32c56desd111", "[0-9]", "X");
string s = String:regexReplaceAll("ab32c56desd111", "[0-9]", "X");
string s = String:replaceAll("Hello World", "l", "L");

Integer BIFs

int value = Integer:fromString("12");

Decimal BIFs

decimal value = Decimal:fromString("12.01");

Uuid BIFs

uuid value = Uuid:fromString("c1bd11cb-4bb2-43e5-88b4-009ed40fc69f");

Math BIFs

int i = Math:pow(2, 8);
decimal d = Math:sqrt(3);
decimal r = Math:random();

Mez BIFs

datetime t = Mez:now();
date d = Mez:today();
Mez:log("Hello, World");
Mez:warn("Something could go wrong");
Mez:error("Something went wrong");
Mez:email(person, "email.descriptionKey", "email.subjectKey", "email.bodyKey");
Mez:email(person.emailAddress, "email.descriptionKey", "email.subjectKey", "email.bodyKey");
Mez:email(person.emailAddress, "email.descriptionKey", "email.subjectKey", "email.bodyKey", EMAIL_TEMPLATES.email_template);
Mez:email(person.emailAddress, "email.descriptionKey", "email.subjectKey", "email.bodyKey", "farmer_purchase_invoice_report/FarmerPurchaseInvoice.jrxml", "additional_farmer_report_1/AdditionalFarmerReport1.jrxml");
Mez:emailAttach(person.emailAddress, "email.descriptionKey", "email.subjectKey", "email.bodyKey", {"farmer_purchase_invoice_report/FarmerPurchaseInvoice.jrxml", getFarmerPurchaseInvoiceFileName()}); 
uuid smsId = Mez:sms(client, "mobileNumber", "exampleKey.smsText");
MezBatch stockUpdateBatch = Mez:createBatch(fileUpload._id, fileUpload.data);
Mez:createCryptoKey(name, key);
string result = Mez:encrypt("encrypt this value");
string result = Mez:encrypt("encrypt this value", "mykey");
string result = Mez:decrypt(encryptedValueVar);
string result = Mez:decrypt(encryptedValueVar, "mykey");

Persistent Entity BIFs

Person p = Person:new();
Person p = Person:read(getUserUUID());
Person currentPerson = Person:user();
p.invite(p.mobileNumber, p.emailAddress);
person.notify("description.key", "sms.content.key",
   "email.subj.key", "email.content.key");
Person[] plist = Person:fromCsv(uploadedFile.blobData);
person.pay(shop, "ZAR", amount);
person.payWithRef(shop, "ZAR", amount, ourPayId, extraPayInfoString);
Person p = Person:fromCsvLine(personBatch.header, personBatchItem.value);

Selector BIFs

Person[] plist = Person:all();
Person[] plist = Person:equals(deleted, false);
Person[] plist = Person:empty(mobileNum);
Person[] plist = Person:between(dob, date1, date2);
Person[] plist = Person:lessThanOrEqual(age, num);
Person[] plist = Person:lessThan(age, num);
Person[] plist = Person:greaterThan(age, num);
Person[] plist = Person:attributeIn(state, state_list);
Person[] plist = Person:relationshipIn(reportsTo, person);
Person[] plist = Person:contains(name, "a");
Person[] plist = Person:beginsWith(name, "A");
Person[] plist = Person:endsWith(name, "a");
Person[] plist = Person:notEquals(deleted, true);
Person[] plist = Person:notEmpty(mobileNum);
Person[] plist = Person:notBetween(dob, date1, date2);
Person[] plist = Person:notContains(name, "a");
Person[] plist = Person:notBeginWith(name, "A");
Person[] plist = Person:notEndsWith(name, "a");
Person[] plist = Person:notAttributeIn(state, state_list);
Person[] plist = Person:notRelationshipIn(reportsTo, person);
Person[] plist = Person:union(equals(rating, "good"), equals(rating, "excellent"));
Person[] plist = Person:diff(equals(), equals());
Person[] plist = Person:intersect(equals(deleted, false, equals(active, true));
Person[] plist = Person:and(equals(deleted, false), equals(active, true));

Collection BIFs

Person p = plist.pop();
Person p = plist.drop();
int len = plist.length();
Person firstPerson = plist.first();
Person lastPerson = plist.last();
plist.add(i, p);
Person p = plist.get(i);
plist.sortAsc("dob"); //sort according to date attr. "dob"
plist.notify("description.key", "sms.content.key",
   "email.subj.key", "email.content.key");
Person[] plistDoctorsSubset = plist.select(equals(title, "Dr."));


QueryResult[] result = sql:query(selectQuery, param_1, ..., param_n);
int updates = sql:execute(updateQuery, param_1, ..., param_n);


json personJsonObject = "{}";
personJsonObject.jsonPut("name", "John");
string personName = personJsonObject.jsonGet("name");


// Outbound API specific
MezApiRequest request = ...
MezApiResponse response = api:get(request);
MezApiResponse response = api:post(request);
MezApiResponse response = api:delete(request);
MezApiResponse response = api:put(request);

// Inbound API specific

Assert BIFs

//Assert:isEqual takes two values (objects or primitive types) and evaluates whether they are equal
Assert:isEqual(value1, value2, "value1 and value2 are not equal");
Assert:isEqual(1, 0, "1 and 0 are not equal");
//Assert:isNotEqual takes two values (objects or primitive types) and evaluates whether they are not equal
Assert:isNotEqual(value1, value1, "value1 and value1 are equal");
Assert:isNotEqual(1, 1, "1 and 1 are equal");
//Assert:isTrue takes one boolean value (variable/primitive/function that returns bool) and evaluates whether it is true
Assert:isTrue(false, "false is not true");
Assert:isTrue(someFunction(), "someFunction() does not return true");
//Assert:isFalse takes one boolean value (variable/primitive/function that returns bool) and evaluates whether it is true
Assert:isFalse(true, "true is not false");
Assert:isFalse(someFunction(), "someFunction() does not return false");
//Assert:isBoth takes two boolean value (variable/primitive/function that returns bool) and evaluates whether both are true
Assert:isBoth(true, false, "both true and false are not true");
Assert:isBoth(someFunction(), anotherFunction(), "someFunction() and anotherFunction() do not both return true");
//Assert:isEither takes two boolean value (variable/primitive/function that returns bool) and evaluates whether one is true
Assert:isEither(false, false, "neither false nor false is true");
Assert:isEither(someFunction(), anotherFunction(), "neither someFunction() nor anotherFunction() returns true");
//Assert:isNull takes one value (variable/primitive/function) and evaluates whether it is null or returns null
Assert:isNull(1, "1 is not null");
Assert:isNull(someFunction(), "someFunction() does not return null");
//Assert:isNotNull takes one value (variable/primitive/function) and evaluates whether it is not null or returns non-null
Assert:isNotNull(null, "null is null");
Assert:isNotNull(someFunction(), "someFunction() returns null");
//Assert:isGreater takes two values and evaluates whether the second is greater than the first
Assert:isGreater(2, 1, "1 is not greater than 2");
Assert:isGreater(value1, value2, "value2 is not greater than value1");
//Assert:isGreaterOrEqual takes two values and evaluates whether the second is greater than or equal to the first
Assert:isGreaterOrEqual(2, 1, "1 is not greater than or equal to 2");
Assert:isGreaterOrEqual(value1, value2, "value2 is not greater than or equal to value1");
//Assert:isLess takes two values and evaluates whether the second is less than the first
Assert:isLess(1, 2, "2 is not less than 1");
Assert:isLess(value1, value2, "value2 is not less than value1");
//Assert:isLessOrEqual takes two values and evaluates whether the second is less than or equal to the first
Assert:isLessOrEqual(1, 2, "2 is not less than or equal to 1");
Assert:isLessOrEqual(value1, value2, "value2 is not less than or equal to value1");

Object Annotations

object Manager { ... }
@Restrict("DevManager", equals(dept, "development"))
object Employee { ... }
@RolesAllowed("Manager", "rw")
object EmployeeRecord { ... }
persistent object Person { ... }

Function Annotations

string getGymEmployeeRoleName(GymEmployee employee) { ... }
// Run at 2:15 AM every day
@Scheduled("15 2 * * *")
void foobar() { ... }
// Run at 06:00 every week-day  (days 1 to 5)
@Scheduled("0 6 * * 1-5")
void foobar() { ... }

// Run every ten minutes
@Scheduled("*/10 * * * *")
void foobar() { ... }
//minute | hour | day-of-month | month | day-of-week
@ReceiveSms("Test description")
void receiveSmsNumberText(string number, string text) { ... }

@ReceiveSms("Test description")
void receiveSmsNumberTextJson(string number, string text, json aggregatorFields) { ... }
@ReceiveSms("Test description")
void receiveSmsObjectText(Nurse nurse, string text) { ... }
@ReceiveSms("Test description")
void receiveSmsObjectNumberText(Nurse nurse, string number, string text) { ... }
void smsResultUpdateCallback(__sms_result__ smsResult) { ... }
void scheduledFunctionResultUpdateCallback(
   __scheduled_function_result__ scheduledFunctionResult) { ... }
void paymentUpdate(uuid id, PAYMENT_STATUS status, string message){
   Mez:log(Strings:concat("Updated Payment ", id, status, message);
void postFarmerDocumentation(FarmerDocumentation farmerDocumentation) {...}
Farmer getFarmer(string mobileNumber) {...}
void updateFarmer(Farmer farmer) {...}
json deleteFarmer(string mobileNumber, bool purge) {...}
void someUnitTest() {
    string value1 = "John Doe";
    string value2 = "Jane Smith";
	Assert:isEqual(value1, value2, "value1 and value2 are not equal");
string someUnitTestWithReturn() {
    string value1 = "John Doe";
    string value2 = "Jane Smith";
	Assert:isEqual(value1, value2, "value1 and value2 are not equal");
    return value1;
MezUssdMenu processUssd(int menu, int selection) {

MezUssdMenu processUssd(int menu, int selection, json gatewayArgs) {

Object Attribute Annotations

persistent object Person
    string fname;
persistent object Person
    string name;

	IdentityDocument idDoc via person; 
    Vehicle vehicles via owner;
    House home via residents;
	Person children via parents;

Atomic Validators

validator PersonNameValidator {
    notnull(); minlen(2); maxlen(50);
validator BondRepaymentMonths {
	notnull(); minval(0); maxval(72);
validator CTMetroPhoneNumber {
    notnull(); regex("021-[7..9]{7}");
validator EmailValidator {
	notnull(); regex("\b[A-Za-z0-9._%-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+[.][A-Za-z]{2,4}\b");

View Widgets

<button label="button.exec" action="exec" />
<action label="action.exec" action="exec" />
<textfield label="my.textfield.label" datatype="text">
    <binding variable="MyUnit:string_value" />
<textarea label="my.textfield.label">
    <binding variable="MyUnit:string_value" />
<datefield label="my.datefield.label">
    <binding variable="MyUnit:date_value"/>
invite (legacy; use invite BIF)
<invite label="my.invite.label">
   <binding variable="MyUnit:user_object"/>
<fileupload label="my.fileupload.label">
    <binding variable="MyUnit:object">
        <attribute name="attributeName" />
<filebrowser label="my.filebrowser.label">
    <collectionSource function="MyUnit:values" />
<map lat="item_lat" long="item_long">
   <collectionSource variable="MyUnit:map_data">
   <markerAction label="Mmy.map.action.open" action="MyUnit:open_item"/> 
   <markerTitle value="MyUnit:get_title"/>
   <markerIcon value="MyUnit:get_icon"/>
   <markerDesc value="MyUnit:get_desc"/>
<code title="code_title.code_snippet">
    <binding variable="QuestionManagement:question">
        <attribute name="codeSnippet"/>
<gallery title="my.gallery.heading" imageAttribute="image" descriptionAttribute="description">
	<collectionSource function="getObjectsWithImageBlobs"/>
	<binding variable="selectedObject"/>
<submit label="submit.exec" action="exec" />
<info label="info.shop_owner_firstname">
    <binding variable="shop">
        <attribute name="owner.firstName"/>
<info label="info.welcome" value="info.system_admin_welcome"/>
<checkbox label="my.checkbox.label">
   <binding variable="MyUnit:bool_value" />
<select label="my.select.label">
    <binding variable="MyUnit:selected_value" />
<select label="my.select.label">
    <binding variable="MyUnit:selected_value" />
    <collectionSource variable="MyUnit:values"/>
<table title="my.table.title" defaultSortColumn="1" defaultSortDirection="descending" csvExport="disabled">
    <collectionSource variable="MyUnit:plist"/>
    <column heading="Firstname">
    <column heading="Surname">
<menuitem icon="icon_name" label="my.menu.item">
navigation (legacy; use navigation described earlier)
<navigation outcome="success" target ="myview_name"/>
<wall label="my.wall.label" defaultSort="timeStamp" commentHandler="MyUnit:commentFunction" buttonLabel="my.custom.label.for.comment.button">
    <collectionSource function="MyUnit:collection" />
    <itemTitle value="MyUnit:getTitle"/>
    <itemText value="MyUnit:getText"/>
    <itemOwner value="MyUnit:getOwner"/>
    <itemTime value="MyUnit:getTime"/>
    <itemIcon value="MyUnit:getIcon"/>

Dynamic Content

Dynamic Widget Titles/Labels

<table title="translation.key">

<submit label="translation.key">
 translation.key = {UnitFoo:globalVar}
Unit UnitFoo;
string globalVar;
init() {
   globalVar = getLabel();

Dynamic Widget Visibility

<table title="table.label">
	<visible variable="isTableVisible"/>
	<collectionSource variable="items"/>
	<column heading="col.name.label">
	<column heading="col.desc.label">
		<visible variable="isDescVisible"/>

<checkbox label="have.at.least.one.visible.widget">
	<visible variable="isCheckboxVisible"/>
	<binding variable="checkboxVar"/>
bool checkboxVar;
void init() {
	checkboxVar = getCheckboxVar() {

Built-in Objects

usage sample
object Identity {
	string _firstNames;
	string _nickName;
	string _surname;
	string _locale;
	string _timeZone;
	datetime _lastPasswordReset;
	bool _mustResetPassword;

Implicit interface that is implemented by every @Role persistence object.

persistent object Person {
void test() {
   Person p = getRandomPerson();
   string name = p._firstNames;
   Identity i = p;
   string sameName = i._firstNames;
persistent object __sms_result__ {
   datetime datetimestampStarted;
   datetime datetimestampFinished;
   string destination;
   int attempt;
   bool success;
   string error;
   bool doneProcessing;
   uuid smsOutboundConfigurationVersionId;
   string smsOutboundConfigurationName;
   uuid smsId;

SMS results from Helium duplicated to the app schema.

void test() {
   __sms_result__[] results = __sms_result__:all();

void test() {
   __sms_result__[] results = __sms_result__:and(
      equals(success, false),
      equals(doneProcessing, true));

persistent object
      __scheduled_function_result__ {
   datetime datetimestampStarted;
   datetime datetimestampFinished;
   string qualifiedName;
   string schedule;
   string error;
   string stackTrace;
   bool success;

Scheduled function results from Helium duplicated to the app schema.

void test() {
   __scheduled_function_result__[] results =
persistent object MezBatch {
    string name;
    string header;

Used by Helium to create a CSV batch for later processing.

 MezBatch stockUpdateBatch = Mez:createBatch(fileUpload._id, fileUpload.data);

persistent object MezBatchItem {

	// Line number from source CSV file
	int lineNumber;

	// Has this item been processed using fromCsvLine
    bool processed;

    string value;

    MezBatch batch via batchItems;

Used by Helium to create CSV batch items for later processing. Each record represents a line from a CSV file and is related to a MezBatch.

MezBatchItem[] stockUpdateBatchItems = MezBatchItem:relationshipIn(batch, stockUpdateBatch);
StockUpdate[] stockUpdates;

for(MezBatchItem stockUpdateBatchItem: stockUpdateBatchItems) {
    StockUpdate stockUpdate = StockUpdate:fromCsvLine(stockUpdateBatch.header, stockUpdateBatchItem.value);
    stockUpdateBatchItem.processed = true;

object MezApiRequest {
    string url;
    json body;
    string credentials;
	json headers;
	json queryParameters;
Used as an argument to the outbound API built-in functions in Helium.
MezApiRequest request = ...
MezApiResponse response = api:get(request);

object MezApiResponse {
    json body;
    int code;
    string message;
    bool success;
	string url;
Used as a result type for the outbound API built-in functions in Helium.
MezApiRequest request = ...
MezApiResponse response = api:get(request);
object MezLegendKey {
    string label;
    blob icon;

Used as a data source to build map legends.
MezLegendKey[] getLegend() {
    MezLegendKey[] result;
    ObjectWithIcon[] iconList = ObjectWithIcon:equals(type, "Gym");
    foreach(ObjectWithIcon obj: iconList){
        MezLegendKey newLegend = MezLegendKey:new();
        newLegend.icon = obj.iconAttribute;
        newLegend.label = obj.labelAttribute;
    return result;
object MezUssdMenu {
    int menuId;
    string headerText;
    bool isFreeText;

Used to represent menu content that is returned for USSD requests.
MezUssdMenu menu = MezUssdMenu:new();
menu.headerText = "What is your name?";
menu.menuId = 1;
menu.isFreeText = true;
object MezUssdMenuOption {
    string text;
    int order;

    MezUssdMenu menu via menuOptions;
Used to represent menu options for menus that are returned for USSD requests.
MezUssdMenu menu = MezUssdMenu:new();
menu.headerText = "Can you answer the second question?";

MezUssdMenuOption option1 = MezUssdMenuOption:new();
option1.text = "Yes I can";
option1.order = 1;

persistent object __crypto_create_key_request__ {

    string name;
    string key;
Used to request to create a crypto key for this app.
__crypto_create_key_request__[] cryptoKeyCreateRequests = __crypto_create_key_request__:all();

for(int i = 0; i < cryptoKeyCreateRequests.length(); i++) {
    __crypto_create_key_request__ cryptoKeyCreateRequest = cryptoKeyCreateRequests.get(i);
    string keyName = cryptoKeyCreateRequest.name;

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