1.58.0 Release Notes

1.58.0 Release Notes

Functional Requirements & Improvements

HD-6087 Support for B2B payments using Command Id BusinessPayBill on the Safaricom M-Pesa payment driver

HD-6839 Remove Mezzanineware branding when custom branding is present

HD-6883 Support for Helium ID in Helium Rapid

HD-6916 Document Helium Rapid "destroy" view tag

HD-6855 New UI - Remove footer for file browser and image gallery when no paging is present

HD-6861 New UI - Revert changes to input fields for long labels

HD-6113 New UI - One row per an app instead of having multiple rows for each role

HD-6909 New UI - Add the Max database results to app config

HD-6912 New UI - Create the UI Config section

BETA Deployment2024-07-04
Production Deployment2024-07-11

Bug Fixes

HD-6884 Columns are "lost" in the new UI if two columns have the same heading text

HD-6907 Incorrect compiler error when binding from file input widget to unit variable

HD-6961 New UI : Roles get chopped off if there are multiple roles on Helium Core App menu

HD-6962 New UI: Inconsistent handling of visible view components between old and new UI

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