Work Orders


Purpose of this SAMS Module: The purpose of this module is to provide the capability for Work Order management, using the Web App and Mobile App for fieldwork reporting and updating. A Work order is the assignment of a specific task to users and are used to track the execution and associated costs of performing the task. All data is collected against specific Assets and Facilities defined in the Asset Register.  A long term history is obtained of Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul activities recorded against assets. The module is also used to assign and track asset register maintenance activities.

The high-level process for creating, managing and tracking the execution of work orders using the Web and Mobile App is shown below: 

SAMS Mobile Application

1. Overview of Menu Structure

The following screen appears when you login to the SAMS Mobile App and select Work Orders:

Refer to "How to select a module on the SAMS Mobile Application" if you are unable to access the Work Order Module.

2. How to create a Request

Navigate: Login → Work Orders → Create Service Request → Complete all details → Save Request. 

Mandatory Fields:

  • Type of Request
  • Request Description
  • Either Asset / Facility OR Site Address
  • Requester Full Name
  • Requester Telephone

The following screen will appear:

3. How to view a Request

Navigate: Login → Work Orders → View Service Requests → Click on the request listed under "My Requests" → "Service Request Details" screen will appear.

Note: You can only view the service request created by yourself on the mobile App that w

4. How to view a Work Order

Navigate: Login → Work orders → View Work Orders → Click on "Filter Status" → Select an option → All work order for option selected will appear. 

Note: You can only view work orders that has been assigned to you from the Web (for which you are the responsible person)

5. How to accept / reject a Work Order

Navigate: Login → Work orders → View Work Orders → Click on "Filter Status" → Select "New" → All new work orders will appear → Select "Accept" or "Reject"

Accept: When you take ownership of the work assigned to you.

Reject: When you won't be able to do the work (a reason for rejecting must be provided)

6. How to complete a Work Order

Navigate: Login → Work orders → View Work Orders → Click on "Filter Status" → Select "ToDo" → All accepted work orders will appear. 

General Workflow: 

  1. Update Status to "Started"
  2. Capture the following in no particular order:

    1. Select "Photos" to take photo before / after completing work.
    2. Select "Log Travel" to capture travel distance and time.
    3. Select "Log Labour" to capture labour types (trades) and time spend to complete the requested work.
    4. Select "Notes" to add any notes or comments on work done
    5. Select "Parts" to capture parts / material used.
  3. Once work has been completed, change status to “Completed

Note: Select "Summary" to view all times and costs logged on the work order.

SAMS Web Portal

1. Overview of Menu Structure

The following screen appears when you login to the SAMS Web Portal and select Work Orders:

  1. Search
    1. Search for a specific Work Order or Request using the unique Work Order or Request number.
  2. Requests
    1. You can create a new request from here.
    2. You can view / edit / delete an existing Request listed here.
    3. You can filter on different Requests using the top right buttons, depending on their status:
      1. Created: New Requests, not yet accepted;
      2. Accepted: Requests that has been accepted (if a request is accepted it is changed into a Work Order and will remain in the Accepted filter until the Work Order has been closed.
        Rejected: Requests that has been rejected
      3. Closed: Work Orders that has been closed.
  3. Work Orders
    1. You can view / edit a Work Order listed here.
    2. You can filter on different Work Orders using the top right buttons, depending on their status:
      1. Open: List of all work orders not yet Completed or Closed
        1. Not Released: Open Work Orders which have not yet been assigned and released to a responsible person to complete
        2. Released: Open Work Order which have been assigned and released (the work order will be available on the responsible person's mobile App to complete) 
        3. Overdue: Work Orders whose due date has passed (only applicable if due date has been filled in)
      2. Completed: Work Orders whose status has been changed to "Completed" on the mobile App
      3. Closed: Work Orders which have been reviewed and status changed to "Closed" on the Web portal.
  4. Material Master 
    1. You can view / edit / delete materials listed here
  5. Material Suppliers
    1. You can view / edit / delete material suppliers listed here
  6. Map View
    1. Geographic view of Open Work Orders linked to an Asset or Facility using the lat /long coordinated.

2. How to search for a Request or Work Order

Navigate: Work Orders → Search → Request Search or Work Order Search → Enter the exact number → Select "Search"

Select "View" to open the details of the Work Order or Request searched. 

3. How to create a Request

Navigate: Work Orders → Requests → Create Request → Complete details → Save Request

What is a request? A Description of work needed or a problem observed (this can include planned and unplanned work).

Mandatory Fields:

  • Type of Request
  • Request Description
  • Either Asset / Facility OR Site Address
  • Requester Full Name
  • Requester Telephone

4. How to accept or reject a Request

Navigate: Work Orders → Requests → View relevant request → Accept Request/Reject Request.

Accept Request: By accepting a request, it will be converted into a Work Order with status "Registered, to be Planned" (You will be asked to either "Link to New Work Order" or "Link to Existing Work Order" when similar work on the asset / facility has been logged)

Reject Request: By rejecting a request, it will NOT be converted into a work order. When rejecting a request you must provide a rejection reason or re-assign it to another department.

5. How to plan and assign a Work Order

Navigate: Work Orders → Work Order → View relevant work order (you can filter on "Open" and "Not Released")

Mandatory fields:

  • Description of Work
  • Responsible Person
  • Asset / Facility

Note: When selecting “Release” the work order it will be sent to the mobile app of the assigned responsible person.

6. How to close a Work Order

Navigate: Work Orders → Work Order → View relevant work order (you can filter on "Completed") → review → Change status to "Closed"

  • When a Work Order status has been changed to “Completed” on the mobile App, the work should be reviewed and “Closed” on the Web.
  • Review the work before closure e.g. cost and time captured on travel, labour and parts; comments on work done.
  • Only mark the work order as closed when you are 100% satisfied.
  • When closing the work order it will disappear from the responsible person's mobile App.

7. How to add / delete materials and suppliers

Note: This is only applicable if you have a Material Master list available. If not, the field technician can manually add materials / parts used on a work order from the Mobile App.

  • New materials and suppliers must be loaded via CSV upload - refer to the CVS Uploads page on how to do this.
  • Existing materials can be edited and deleted from the Web (Work Orders → Material Master → Edit / Delete)
  • Existing suppliers can be edited and deleted from the Web (Work Orders → Material Suppliers → Edit / Delete)

8. Settings and Configurations

Sign in as Work Order Admin:

1. User Roles

  • Settings → Roles → View / Invite → Enroll User or Unenroll User as Work Order Admin.
  • Note: A user must be assigned a Work Admin Role to be added as a Responsible Person. 

2. Responsible Person Setup

  • Settings → Work Orders → Responsible Person Setup → Enroll or Unenroll Mobile User → Save.
  • This is users / field team leaders to whom Work Orders can be assigned. They are responsible to log the work completed, labour, travel, etc. on the mobile App.

  • You must be a User and have the role of Work Order Admin to be added as responsible person. (Assign Roles to 'Non Eligible Users' at bottom of screen or follow 1. User Roles above)

3. Configure Types of Work

  • This is used to create classifications of work to be performed, and provides the link to assign work orders to the correct department and personnel.
  • You are limited to 10 different types of work.
  • Add New Type: Settings → Work Orders → Configure Types of Work → Add New Type → Complete details → Save.
  • Edit Type: Settings → Work Orders →  Configure Types of Work → Edit → Edit details → Save.
  • Delete TypeSettings → Work Orders →  Configure Types of Work → Delete→ Ok.

4. Configure Labour Types

  • This is the type of field workers, e.g. senior technician, electrician, etc. with different labour rates.
  • Add New Type: Settings →  Work Orders → Configure Labour Types → Add New Type → Complete details → Save.
  • Edit Type: Settings →  Work Orders → Configure Labour Types → Edit → Edit details → Save.
  • Delete TypeSettings → Work Orders →  Configure Labour Types → Delete→ Ok.

5. Configure Travel Types

  • This is the type of travel e.g. Passenger Vehicle, Truck, etc. with different travel rates per km.
  • Add New Type: Settings →  Work Orders → Configure Travel Types → Add New Type → Complete details → Save.
  • Edit Type: Settings →  Work Orders → Configure Travel Types → Edit → Edit details → Save.
  • Delete TypeSettings → Work Orders →  Configure Travel Types → Delete→ Ok.

6. Request Rejection Reasons

  • This is a list of reason you can select when rejecting a request.
  • Add New Reason: Settings →  Work Orders → Request Rejection Reasons → Add Reason → Complete details → Save.
  • Edit Reason: Settings →  Work Orders → Request Rejection Reasons → Edit → Edit details → Save.
  • Enable / Disable Reason: Settings → Work Orders → Request Rejection Reasons → Disable/Enable.

7. Work Order Rejection Reasons

  • This is a list of reason the responsible person (field team lead) can select when rejecting a work order assigned to them.
  • Add New Reason: Settings → Work Orders → Work Order Rejection Reasons → Add Reason → Complete details → Save.
  • Edit Reason: Settings → Work Orders → Work Order Rejection Reasons → Edit → Edit details → Save.
  • Enable / Disable Reason: Settings → Work Orders → Work Order Rejection Reasons → Disable/Enable.