

This module provide the capacity for Immovable Asset Management, using the Web Platform and Mobile App for asset take-on and verifications, to allow for an up to date Asset Register.


To use the Mobile App an user must be added to a Verification Team from the Web Platform.

1. How to create a new facility

Navigate: Login → Immovables → Select Active Team from dropdown list → Select Active Team → View Map → Long press on location on map → Continue → Select Accounting Types → Capture relevant fields → Create New Facility.

2. How to update facility details

Navigate: Login → Immovables → Select Active Team from dropdown list → Select Active Team → View Map → Select the facility shape on map → View → Change relevant fields → Update Facility Details.

3. How to create a new found asset (Take-On)

Navigate: Login → Immovables → Select Active Team from dropdown list → Select Active Team → View Map → Select the facility shape on map → View → Add New Found Asset (at bottom of screen) → Select newly created reason → Add New Found Asset → Select Asset Types → Capture relevant fields → Create and Verify.

4. How to verify an asset (Verification)

Navigate: Login → Immovables → Select Active Team from dropdown list → Select Active Team → View Map → Select the facility shape on map → View → Select asset (from list at bottom of screen) → Verify Asset → Select Asset Verification Reason → Mark as Verifiable → Capture relevant fields → Take photo → Verify Asset.

5. How to mark an asset as non-verifiable

Navigate: Login → Immovables → Select Active Team from dropdown list → Select Active Team → View Map → Select the facility shape on map  → View → Select asset (from list at bottom of screen) → Mark Asset Non-Verifiable → Select non verification reason → Mark Asset Non-Verifiable.

6. How to flag an asset for deletion

Navigate: Login → Immovables → Select Active Team from dropdown list → Select Active Team → View Map → Select the facility shape on map → View → Select asset (from list at bottom of screen) → Flag for Deletion → Select deletion reason → Flag For Deletion.

7. How to view map legend

Navigate: Login → Immovables → Select Active Team from dropdown list → Select Active Team → View Map Legend.


The following screen appears when you log into to Web Portal and click on Immovables:



  1. Search

    1. Search for an asset or facility using the asset number or facility GIS number respectively.

  2. Map

    1. You will find all facilities.

    2. You can view the different facilities by verification status by selecting "filter by verification status" - the map markers will then appear in different colours according to status.

    3. Click on the map marker to view facility details.

  3. Facility Register

    1. This is a list of all the facilities with their details. This report can be exported in CSV format by clicking on this icon 

       in the bottom left corner.

  4. Asset Register

    1. This is a list of all the immovable assets with their details. This table can be exported in CSV format.

  5. Lifecycle Management

    1. The following can be found here:

      1. Disposals: This is a list of all assets which were disposed on the Web Portal.  This report can be exported in CSV format.

      2. Checkouts: Contains a list of all assets currently checked out and a history of all checkouts.

      3. Additions:

        1. The invoice details of assets can be captured.  This report can be exported in CSV format.

        2. The details of donations received can be captured. This report can be exported in CSV format.

      4. Impairments:

        1. Assets can be selected for impairment.  

        2. A list of all assets flagged for impairment based on the condition selected on the SAMS Mobile Application.  This report can be exported in CSV format.

        3. A list of all assets not flagged for impairment.  This report can be exported in CSV format.

        4. A list of all assets which have been selected for impairment.  This report can be exported in CSV format.

      5. Condition Improvements

        1. Assets can be selected for improvement.

        2. A list of all assets flagged for improvement based on the condition selected on the SAMS Mobile Application.  This report can be exported in CSV format.

        3. A list of all assets not flagged for improvement.  This report can be exported in CSV format.

        4. A list all assets which have been selected for improvement.  This report can be exported in CSV format.

      6. Duplicates

        1. A list of asset with the same asset numbers.  This report can be exported in CSV format.

        2. SAMS does not allow you to create more than one asset with the same number, however it is possible when verification is performed while offline (no internet connection) and more than one person performs a take-on of an asset.

      7. Verification QC

        1. This report is an extension of the asset register including the latest verification details wrt changes made e.g. previous and latest conditions, measurements, etc. This report can be exported in CSV format.

2. How to search for an asset

Navigate: Immovables → Search → Asset Search → Enter Asset Number → Search.

Select "View" to open the details of the Asset searched. 

3. How to search for a facility

Navigate: Immovables → Search → Facility Search → Enter facility GIS Number → Search.

4. How to view facility details

Navigate: Immovables → Facility Register → View. 

Note: Facility details can also be viewed and edited from Maps (Map → Click on balloon → Facility Details)

5. How to edit facility details

Navigate: Immovables → Facility Register → View → Edit → Edit details → Save.

6. How to upload documentation to a facility

Navigate: Immovables → Facility Register → View → Edit → Drag & drop/Browse → Upload Attachment Save.

7. How to view asset details

Navigate: Immovables → Asset Register → View.

Note: Asset details can also be viewed from the Facility Register (Facility Register → View → View on "Linked Assets" table) or Maps (Map → Click on balloon → Facility Details → View on "Linked Assets" table)
The insurance register details of an asset will appear in a separate table on this screen if insurance details have been loaded for the asset.

8. How to edit an asset

Navigate: Immovables → Asset Register → View → Edit Asset → Edit details → Save.

9. How to upload documentation to an asset

Navigate: Immovables → Asset Register → View → Edit Asset → rag & drop/Browse → Upload Attachment → Save

10. How to checkout an asset

Navigate: Immovables → Asset Register → View → Check-Out → Ok. 

11. How to view all checked out assets

Navigate: Immovables → Lifecycle Management → Checkouts.

12. How to dispose an asset

Navigate: Immovables → Asset Register → View → Disposal → Complete details → Save.

13. How to view all disposed assets

Navigate: Immovables → Lifecycle Management → Disposals.

14. How to QC verification performed

Navigate: Immovables → Asset Verification QC

This report includes the previous and new values captured during verification. All new values captured can be edited from the Web Platform.

15. Additions

  1. How to capture an invoice

    1. Navigate: Immovables → Lifecycle Management → Additions → Add Invoice → Capture details of invoice → Save.

  2. How to link an invoice to an asset

    1. The invoice will automatically be linked to the asset (and the invoice will appear on the Additions Received table) if the asset with number which relates to the invoice appears on the Immovable Asset Register before the invoice is captured.

    2. The invoice will need to be linked if the asset which relates to the invoice has not been created on the Mobile App or does not appear in the Immovable Asset Register. It will only be possible to link once the asset is created with an asset number corresponding to the number on the invoice. Navigate: Immovables → Lifecycle Management → Additions → Link Assets → The invoice details will be moved from the Additions Not Linked To Assets table to the Additions Received table.

  3. How to view asset details of asset linked to invoice

    1. Navigate: Immovables → Lifecycle Management → Additions → View.

  4. How to add supporting documentation of invoice

    1. Navigate: Immovables → Lifecycle Management → Additions → View → Edit → Drag & drop attachment or browse, select document and select open → Upload Attachment → Save.

16. Donations Received

  1. How to capture a donation received

    1. Navigate: Immovables → Lifecycle Management → Additions → Donations Received → Add Donation → Capture details of donation → Save.

  2. How to link a donation received to an asset

    1. The donation will automatically be linked to the asset (and the donation will appear on the Donation Received table) if the asset with number which relates to the donation appears on the Immovable Asset Register before the donation is captured.

    2. The donation will need to be linked if the asset which relates to the donation has not been created on the Mobile App or does not appear in the Immovable Asset Register. It will only be possible to link once the asset is created with an asset number corresponding to the number on the donation. Navigate: Immovables → Lifecycle Management → Additions → Donations Received → Link Assets → The invoice details will be moved from the Donations Not Linked To Assets table to the Donations Received table.

  3. How to view asset details of asset linked to donations

    1. Navigate: Immovables → Lifecycle Management → Additions → Donations Received → View.

  4. How to add supporting documentation of donations received

    1. Navigate: Immovables → Lifecycle Management → Additions → Donations Received → View → Edit → Drag & drop attachment or browse, select document and select open → Upload Attachment → Save.

17. Impairments

  1. Assets Flagged for Impairment table

    1. A user can flag an asset for impairment by following these steps: Immovables → Lifecycle Management → Impairments → Flagged for Impairment → Select "Flag for Impairment" on the Assets Not Flagged for Impairment table → Ok.  

  2. How to impair an asset

    1. Follow either of the following steps:

      1. Immovables→ Lifecycle Management → Impairments → Flagged for Impairment → Select "Impair" on the Assets Flagged for Impairment table → Ok.  The asset will now appear on the impaired report and will be indicated as "True" in the "Impaired" field of the Immovable Asset Register.

      2. Go to Asset Details screen → Impair → Ok.  The asset will now appear on the impaired report and will be indicated as "True" in the "Impaired" field of the Immovable Asset Register.

      3. Immovables → Lifecycle Management → Impairments → Flagged for Impairment → Select "Flag for Impairment" on the Assets Not Flagged for Impairment table → Ok → Select "Impair" on the Assets Flagged for Impairment table → Ok.  The asset will now appear on the impaired report and will be indicated as "True" in the "Impaired" field of the Immovable Asset Register.

  3. How to impair all assets which are flagged for impairment

    1. Follow these steps: Immovable → Lifecycle Management → Impairments → Flagged for Impairment → Impair all Flagged Assets → Ok.

  4. How to compare photos of an asset

    1. The last photo taken in prior verification period (Old Photo) and last photo taken in the current verification period (New Photo) can be compared on one screen.

    2. Follow either of these steps: 

      1. On Impaired table: Immovable → Lifecycle Management → Impairments → Photos → Old Photo and New Photo will appear at the bottom of the screen.

      2. On Flagged for Impairment table: Immovable → Lifecycle Management → Impairments → Flagged for Impairment → Select "Photos" on the Assets Flagged for Impairment table → Old Photo and New Photo will appear at the bottom of the screen.

      3. On Assets Not Flagged for Impairment table: Immovable → Lifecycle Management → Impairments → Flagged for Impairment → Select "Photos" on the Assets Not Flagged for Impairment table → Old Photo and New Photo will appear at the bottom of the screen.

  5. How to remove asset from Impaired and Flagged for Impairment tables

    1. On Impaired and Flagged for Impairment tables: Select Remove → Ok

18. Condition Improvements

  1. Assets Flagged for Improvement table

    1. A user can flag an asset for improvement by following these steps: Movables → Lifecycle Management → Condition Improvements → Flagged for Improvement → Select "Flag for Improvement" on the Assets Not Flagged for Improvement table → Ok.  

  2. How to improve an asset

    1. Follow either of the following steps:

      1. Immovables → Lifecycle Management → Condition Improvements → Flagged for Improvement → Select "Improve" on the Assets Flagged for Improvement table → Ok.  The asset will now appear on the improved report and will be indicated as "True" in the "Improved" field of the Immovable Asset Register.

      2. Go to Asset Details screen → Improve → Ok.  The asset will now appear on the improved report and will be indicated as "True" in the "Improved" field of the Immovable Asset Register.

      3. Immovables → Lifecycle Management → Condition Improvements → Flagged for Improvement → Select "Flag for Improvement" on the Assets Not Flagged for Improvement table → Ok → Select "Improve" on the Assets Flagged for Improvement table → Ok.  The asset will now appear on the improved report and will be indicated as "True" in the "Improved" field of the Immovable Asset Register.

  3. How to improve all assets which are flagged for improvement

    1. Follow these steps: Immovables → Lifecycle Management → Condition Improvements → Flagged for Improvement → Improve all Flagged Assets → Ok.

  4. How to compare photos of an asset

    1. The last photo taken in prior verification period (Old Photo) and last photo taken in the current verification period (New Photo) can be compared on one screen.

    2. Follow either of these steps: 

      1. On Improved table: Immovables → Lifecycle Management → Condition Improvements → Photos → Old Photo and New Photo will appear at the bottom of the screen.

      2. On Flagged for Improvement table: Immovables → Lifecycle Management → Condition Improvements → Flagged for Improvement → Select "Photos" on the Assets Flagged for Improvement table → Old Photo and New Photo will appear at the bottom of the screen.

      3. On Assets Not Flagged for Improvement table: Immovables → Lifecycle Management → Condition Improvements → Flagged for Improvement → Select "Photos" on the Assets Not Flagged for Improvement table → Old Photo and New Photo will appear at the bottom of the screen.

  5. How to remove asset from Improved and Flagged for Improvements tables

    1. On Improved and Flagged for Improvement tables: Select Remove → Ok.

19. How to remove or rectify duplicate assets

Asset number can be changed or the incorrect asset can be removed from SAMS.

  1. Change asset number: Immovables → Lifecycle Management → Duplicate Assets → Open → Edit → Enter new asset number → Save.

  2. Remove incorrect asset: Immovables → Lifecycle Management → Duplicate Assets → Open → Correct Asset → Ok → All other duplicate assets will be removed from the SAMS system.

20. Asset Verification Settings

  1. How to change "Verified" status of all Immovable assets to "False"

    1. Follow these steps: On SAMS Web Portal click on Settings → System Configuration → Asset Verification Settings → Select "Immovable asset verification settings" → Select "Unverify all Immovable assets" → Ok.

  2. How to change "Take-On" status of all Immovable assets to "False"

    1. Follow these steps: On SAMS Web Portal click on Settings → System Configuration → Asset Verification Settings → Select next to "Set Take-on status of all immovable assets to false" → Ok.

21. Settings and Configurations

Navigate: More → Settings → Immovables:

1. Facilities

Here you can Add / Edit / Delete the Immovable Facility Types per level. The default levels include the Accounting Group > Asset Category > Asset Sub Category > Asset Site Type.

2. Immovable Asset Types

Here you can Add / Edit / Delete the Immovable Asset Type per level. The default levels include the Asset Type > Component Type > Descriptor Type > Descriptor General.

3. Asset Verification Status Lists

  • Configure Facility Verification Status - here you can add / edit / delete a facility verification status.

  • Configure Non Verification Reason - here you can add / edit / delete a reason for not verifying an asset.

  • Configure Deletion Reason - here you can add / edit / delete a reason for selecting an asset to be deleted.

  • Configure Newly Created Reason - here you can add / edit / delete a reason for creating a new asset (take-on)

4. Verification Teams 

Verification teams are linked to Facilities.

Note: Verification teams must be created and/or linked to facilities and team members prior to starting the process of take-on or verifications in the field using the mobile app.

Limit: One user can only be linked to 200 verification teams at one time. You are able to unlink yourself from a team temporarily to allow the linking to another team. This limitation exists because of how the mobile sync rules are set up.

How to create a team and link facilities:

Settings → Immovables → Verification Teams → Create New Team → Enter a Team Name & Team Description → Create New Team → Add Team Members → Link Facilities to Team → Save

How to add user to an existing team:

Settings → Immovables → Verification Teams → View Verification Team → Edit → Add Team Member from table: Users Not Enrolled in this Team → Save

5. Variable Valuation

Here you can view, create, edit and delete variable valuation records.
CSV is also supported with this functionality.

Variable valuation allows the user to create a unit rate scale for the variable sizes of assets on policy level. Use the seach bar to filter per policy and sort by size.

In order for the Unit Rate to be calculated per asset size, the Variable Valuation field has to be enabled on the policy. Settings → Immovables → Immovable Asset Types → Edit → "Enabled" → Save