

VSDM Procedure & Contact Details

VSDM Support ProcessKindly follow the instructions on the document below to log issues with the VSDM support team
CSOC Support Process
VSDM Contact detailsDial 0821951 or
Email: 0821951@vodacom.co.za
Solution ID/wiki/spaces/SUP/pages/6653423

VSDM Champion list


VSDM CSOC documentCSOC Support Process.pptx
Logging VSDM issues on CSOC
  1. Any of the technical contacts above can send an email with a mobile number and thorough explanation of their issue to 0821951@vodacom.co.za
  2. Receive confirmation email with reference number as per the screenshot below: 
  3. a CSOC agent will communicate further with the requester until the query has been resolved. Please note that they will also do escalations to the VSDM team depending on the nature of your query.
CSOC Support Process
Customer Support Guide

VSDM Frequently Asked Questions




1.What is the Issue logging process for ResetsDashboard within VSDM will “know” that the device has been reset - or track via IMEI
2.What do I do when VSDM/ Hub needs to be installed on my deviceChampions are trained and should be able to do installations and out-of-launcher requests.

How to Exit and Enter Launcher mode (When eLabs app needs off launcher mode troubleshooting Eg. Data check, Date and time checks, Re-installation of eLabs application)

Access to do this in prohibited - device restart is recommended. Device restart is allowed according to the policy but should a out-of-launcher is indeed needed, the Champion will be able to assist with this issue.

4.How do I request a change in existing VSDM policies or request a new policy to be effectiveLog a call if uncertain. But champions are trained to perform these services as well
5.When profile changes occur how much data is being used to sync a new policy to all eLabs devices per device.Hard to say for profile changes. Dashboard does say AMOUNT of data used, but not exactly what it was used for.
6.How often does profile setups Eg. Policy changes occur

As requested by the client. Typically they won’t have to make changes.


What background restrictions will run with regards to App updates etc. on the VSDM policies Eg. Software updates

The allowed applications will be able to do updates on launcher mode but should they make changes in the APK version, then the teams will have to push the APK once more.

If phones don't have data, the time on the device falls behind. eLABS impedes users when the time and date is not correct. Can this be changed?

We are comfortable this was a data issue - with more data, this should not re-occur.


Couriers must sometimes connect to wifi when syncing pods in labs. Can couriers enter wifi settings on current mode?

Will not be necessary with enough data and with the new data allocations they will no longer need to connect to Wifi at all.


Can VSDM track Verigo data usage?

No - feature has been requested but is not available.

If we were to request a diagnostic report from a user, is this something that VSDM can allow us?

Champion CAN take device out of kiosk mode with proper training.

If devices don't have data and VSDM is not working. Does eLABS still synchronize. (Create requisition on phone without data and test to see if data syncs).

Yes the eLabs app will still synchronise, BUT we will not run out of data with a much more generous data allocation.