Units are groupings of functions and also variables. They can be thought of as modules or namespaces. A Mezzanine script must have at least one unit. Units are defined as follows
- unit MyUnit;
- string myVar;
- int factorial(int x) {
- if(x == 0 || x == 1) {
- return 1;
- } else if (x > 1) {
- return factorial(x - 1);
- }
- }
This unit has one unit variable named myVar. This variable has unit scope and can be accessed by any function in the unit. The unit also has a function named factorial. A unit must have at least one function. To refer to a unit’s member functions or variables from another unit, you have to use the scope operator
- unit TestUnit;
- void test() {
- MyUnit:myVar = "New string value!";
- int f = MyUnit:factorial(5);
- }
Note: Unit variables cannot be in line initialized when they are declared. The following code will not compile
- unit MyUnit;
- string myVar = "some value"; // this is not a legal statement