As a System Admin I want to see my role name differently depending on whether I'm a developer or a client.
Lesson Outcomes
After this lesson you should know the purpose and usage of the @RoleName annotation.
The @RoleName annotation allows a custom role name to be displayed in the app that differs from role name specified in the data model and can be determined at runtime.
Using the tutorial app as an example, the System Admin role might be given to developers (or in-field technicians, etc.) tasked with the initial setup of the app (such as inviting the first client users), as well as to client users. Consider a scenario wherein for the latter the "System Admin" role name sounds like a technical role and therefor confusing. We can use @RoleName to have their role displayed on the mouseover in the right-hand corner of the screen as e.g. "Programme Manager" instead.
A method that
has the @RoleName annotation,
takes an object instance of the role object as parameter, and
returns a string
anywhere in the app, will define what the currently logged in user will see, based on the method logic. We'll create a services/CustomRoleName.mez file, containing a unit of the same name, in turn containing our @RoleName methods (shown below). We also need to add a flag to the System Admin object to distinguish between the two types of System Admins, and the necessary changes to make the flag take effect.
The above (together with the required flag attribute on the SystemAdmin object, new enum, a change to the @InviteUser-annotated inviteSystemAdmin() method, and change to the view for creating or editing SystemAdmins, to round it all of), will lead to the mouseover in the right-hand corner looking like this for System Admins flagged as "Programme Managers":
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