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Selector Built-in Functions

These functions are available via the object's namespace, e.g. Person:{function}.

They can be used to read sets of data from the persistence layer. The final four in the table below (uniondiffintersect, and and) can be used to build up a complex selector using a combination of other selector BIFs as parameters. The other selectors all take an object's attribute as first parameter, and one or more values as the next parameter(s).


allObj:all()Returns all records from the table.Person[] plist = Person:all();

Returns records with value of a equal to b.

Person[] plist = Person:equals(deleted, false);
notEqualsObj:notEquals(a,b)Returns records with value of a not equal to b.Person[] plist = Person:notEquals(deleted, true);
emptyObj:empty(a)Returns records with a equal to null.Person[] plist = Person:empty(mobileNum);
notEmptyObj:notEmpty(a)Returns records with a not equal to null.Person[] plist = Person:notEmpty(mobileNum);
betweenObj:between(a,x,y)Returns records with value of a within the range of values between x and y.Person[] plist = Person:between(dob, date1, date2);
notBetweenObj:notBetween(a,x,y)Returns records with value of a not within the range of values between x and y.Person[] plist = Person:notBetween(dob, date1, date2);
Obj:lessThanOrEqual(a,b)Returns records with value of a less than or equal to b.Person[] plist = Person:lessThanOrEqual(age, num);
lessThanObj:lessThan(a,b)Returns records with value of a less than b.Person[] plist = Person:lessThan(age, num);
greaterThanObj:greaterThan(a,b)Returns records with value of a greater than b.Person[] plist = Person:greaterThan(age, num);
attributeInObj:attributeIn(a,"x,y,z")Returns records with value of a matching any of the values x,y,z (replace x,y,z with any number of values).Person[] plist = Person:attributeIn(state, "Any, One, Of, These");
notAttributeInObj:notAttributeIn(a,"x,y,z")Returns records with value of a not matching any of the values x,y,z (replace x,y,z with any number of values).Person[] plist = Person:notAttributeIn(state, "Any, One, Of, These");
relationshipInObj:relationshipIn(a,b)Returns records with a relationship/link between a and b, with attribute a being annotated as @OneToMany, @ManyToOne, etc. and b a persistent object instance. Attribute a can be likened to a foreign key.Person[] plist = Person:relationshipIn(reportsTo, person);
notRelationshipInObj:notRelationshipIn(a,b)Returns records without a relationship/link between a and b, with attribute a being annotated as  @OneToMany, @ManyToOne, etc. and b a persistent object instance. Attribute a can be likened to a foreign key.Person[] plist = Person:notRelationshipIn(reportsTo, person);
containsObj:contains(a,b)Returns records with substring b found anywhere within value of a.Person[] plist = Person:contains(name, "a");
beginsWithObj:beginsWith(a,b)Returns records with substring b found at the beginning of the value of a.Person[] plist = Person:beginsWith(name, "a");
endsWithObj:endsWith(a,b)Returns records with substring b found at the end of the value of a.Person[] plist = Person:endsWith(name, "a");
notContainsObj:notContains(a,b)Returns records with substring b found nowhere within value of a.Person[] plist = Person:notContains(name, "a");
notBeginWithObj:notBeginWith(a,b)Returns records with substring b not found at the beginning of the value of a.Person[] plist = Person:notBeginWith(name, "a");
notEndsWithObj:notEndsWith(a,b)Returns records with substring b not found at the end of the value of a.Person[] plist = Person:notEndsWith(name, "a");
unionObj:union(selector1(a,b), selector2(x,y))

Combines the results of two or more selectors. Does not return the same record twice.

Person[] plist = Person:union(equals(rating, "good"), equals(rating, "excellent"));
diffObj:diff(selector1(a,b), selector2(x,y))Compares the results of two or more selectors and returns only the difference.Person[] plist = Person:diff(equals(), equals());
intersectObj:intersect(selector1(a,b), selector2(x,y))Returns records for which all the selectors are true.Person[] plist = Person:intersect(equals(deleted, false), equals(active, true));
andObj:and(selector1(a,b), selector2(x,y))Returns records for which all the selectors are true.Person[] plist = Person:and(equals(deleted, false), equals(active, true));





Data Subsets

Having populated a collection with a selector BIF, you can further refine your selection by assigning a subset of said collection to a new collection by using the select BIF. This BIF is available via the collection variable and takes one or a combination of the above selector BIFs as parameter. See the Collections for details.





all, equals, notEquals, etc. | select