CSV Uploads

Note: When compiling upload sheets in Excel Desktop App - in order to show the unit of measurements for square or cubic meters you will need to import it in format m² or m³ in order to show as as m2 or min Helium.

1. Overview

  1. Navigate to Settings → System Configuration → CSV Uploads.

  2. Select the relevant category to access specific CSV upload options.

    Once selected, the following screen will appear (this example is the screen for Sensor Probe Units):

  3. Download the template for the specific CSV by clicking on the downward pointing arrow icon in the bottom left corner of the template table.

  4. Open and complete the template csv file. Every line is a new item. The first line will have example data which the user should replace. Recommended file size is 10,000 lines.

  5. Once the file is completed and saved, select the local file for uploading by either clicking on the folder icon next to the "drag and drop" box, or drag and drop the file into the box. The file name will appear in the box.

  6. Click the "Upload CSV" button. Details from the CSV file will appear in two new fields, Selected CSV and Upload Date, and a new table, Pending CSV Parse Tasks.

  7. Click on the "Validate" button in the Pending CSV Parse Tasks table. This will check whether the data in the CSV file can be uploaded.

    Data will be separated into two tables, Passed and Failed. Should one or more lines fail, error messages for each line will be indicated in the Failed table.

  8. If there is data in the Failed table and the user would like to correct these specific lines, they can be downloaded in a separate CSV file by clicking on the downward pointing arrow icon on the bottom left corner of the Failed table. (This file will need to be uploaded separately again).

  9. Click the "Upload Passed Items" button above the Passed table to upload the data currently displayed in the Passed table.

  10. Pop up messages will indicate the number of items parsed once finished.

2. Sensors

Recommended order of upload:

  1. sensor policies

  2. sensor probe units

  3. sensor hardware types, and

  4. sensors and sensor probes.

Each line is validated before uploading. In the case where one or more lines fail, error message(s) will indicate the reason(s) for failing.

Sensor Policies

  • Sensor Policy CSV upload allows the user to create and update a sensor policy together with an equipment group hierarchy.

  • A sensor policy is unique based on the sensor policy name.

Using the template

  • The name field cannot be empty.

  • To create a sensor policy, a unique name must be entered.

  • To update a sensor policy, an existing name must be entered.

  • An equipment group hierarchy can be created with up to 10 levels in its path.

  • error_threshold and offline_threshold_minutes must be integers / whole numbers.

Sensor Probe Units

  • Sensor Probe Unit CSV upload creates or updates a sensor probe unit.

  • Sensor probe units are unique based on the sensor probe unit name.

Using the template

  • The name field cannot be empty.

  • To create a sensor probe unit, a unique name must be entered.

  • To update a sensor probe unit, an existing name must be entered.

Sensor Hardware Types

  • Sensor Hardware Type CSV upload creates a sensor hardware type.

  • Sensor hardware types are unique based on the internal-external pair. At the moment, no checks are in place for duplicate entries of the two fields.

Using the template

  • Neither field can be empty.

Sensors (and Sensor Probes)

  • Sensors CSV upload allows you to create and update sensors and sensor probes.

  • Sensors can be created or updated on their own as well.

  • Sensors are unique based on their serial number.

  • Sensor probes are unique based on the channel number connected to a specific sensor.

Using the template

  • To create or update a sensor, the following fields cannot be empty:

    • sensor name

    • sensor serial number

    • sensor policy name (needs to exist)

  • To create or update a sensor with a sensor probe, the following fields cannot be empty:

    • sensor probe channel

    • sensor hardware type internal (needs to exist)

    • sensor probe unit (needs to exist)

    • To only configure a sensor, the sensor probe channel field should be left empty.

    • To only configure a sensor probe, all the sensor details need to be completed.

Link Sensors and Immovable Assets

This allows the linking, updating the link, and unlinking of sensors to immovable assets.

One asset can be linked to multiple sensors.

Using the template:

  • Sensors and Immovable Assets should already exist.

  • Unlink sensor from immovable asset by entering the sensor serial number and keeping the immovable asset id field blank.

  • Sensor serial number cannot be blank or duplicated in the file.

3. Accounting Type

  • Accounting type CSV upload allows you to create accounting type hierarchies.

  • Accounting types are unique based on the entire hierarchy and is currently represented by four levels, from level 0 to level 3: accounting group, asset category, asset sub category, asset group type.

Using the template:

  • To create a new accounting type hierarchy, enter a unique hierarchy in the available fields.

  • To add a level to an existing accounting type, enter the existing levels and continue with the new fields.

  • If the accounting type hierarchy already exists, it will be skipped.

  • The 'accounting group' field cannot be blank.

4. Immovable Assets


  • custodian

  • accounting types

Recommended order of upload:

  • condition grade, utilisation grade, cost of operation grade, criticality grade, and performance grade.

  • immovable asset policy, and facility

  • immovable asset

Immovable facility

Last updated: 2022-11-14

  • Immovable facility CSV upload allows you to create and update immovable facilities.

  • Immovable facilities are unique based on the 'facility_gis_number' field.

  • An accounting type hierarchy has to be linked to an immovable facility.

  • A facility can link to a ward or suburb if it exists in the database.

Using the template

  • To create a new immovable facility, a unique 'facility_gis_number' must be entered.

  • To update an existing immovable facility, an existing 'facility_gis_number' must be entered.

  • The following fields cannot be empty:

    • facility gis number

    • latitude

    • longitude

    • custodian barcode

    • accounting group

  • To link an accounting type, one to four of the accounting type fields must be entered:

    • accounting group (Level 0)

    • asset category (Level 1)

    • asset sub category (Level 2)

    • asset group type (Level 3)

  • The following fields need to exist / already be in the database:

    • custodian barcode

    • accounting type hierarchy

    • verification status (else leave blank to link to default - Not Verified)

    • suburb
  • The following fields must be decimals:

    • longitude

    • latitude

  • The 'facility_gis_number' field cannot be duplicate in this file.


  • The constraint on the sub-category field of the accounting type has been removed. Previously, it could only be one of the following: "Operational buildings", "Community", "Coastal", "Electrical", "Network and Communication", "Roads", "Sanitation", "Solid waste", "Storm water", "Water supply"

  • The creation of accounting types no longer occur in the facility csv, but in a separate csv upload process (see Accounting Type).

  • Accounting type hierarchies are no longer forced to have 4 levels.

Facility Lines

Last updated: 2022-11-14

  • The Facility GIS Multiline CSV upload allows you to update the geometry line data for facilities that aleady exist in the database.
  • Immovable facilities are unique based on the 'facility_gis_number' field.

Using the template

  • The following fields cannot be empty:
    • facility gis number
    • geometry
  • The geometry field should contain the multilinestring geometry data for the facility. The csv format should look as follows and be encapsulated with quotes, which should be automatic when exporting a file to CSV:
    "MULTILINESTRING ((24.7848878556332 -29.7518331100816,24.7847246581083 -29.7514249882646,24.7890018053474 -29.750054342431,24.7898260960384 -29.7519239859052))"

Facility Polygons

Last updated: 2022-11-14

  • The Facility GIS Polygon CSV upload allows you to update the geometry polygon data for facilities that aleady exist in the database.
  • Immovable facilities are unique based on the 'facility_gis_number' field.

Using the template

  • The following fields cannot be empty:
    • facility gis number
    • geometry
  • The geometry field should contain the polygon geometry data for the facility. The csv format should look as follows and be encapsulated with quotes, which should be automatic when exporting a file to CSV:
    "MULTIPOLYGON (((24.76801 -29.11883,24.76617 -29.12147,24.76533 -29.12103,24.7646 -29.122,24.76236 -29.12099,24.76235 -29.121,24.76176 -29.12172,24.76168 -29.12183,24.7613 -29.1223,24.76091 -29.1221,24.75923 -29.12119,24.75869 -29.1209,24.75865 -29.12088,24.75682 -29.11989,24.75683 -29.11988,24.7575 -29.11899,24.75785 -29.11853,24.75521 -29.11707,24.75598 -29.11611,24.75597 -29.11611,24.75429 -29.11515,24.75585 -29.11322,24.75681 -29.11204,24.75973 -29.11344,24.75985 -29.1135,24.76227 -29.11469,24.76343 -29.11527,24.76345 -29.11528,24.76346 -29.11528,24.76518 -29.11613,24.76867 -29.11785,24.76866 -29.11786,24.76825 -29.11848,24.76801 -29.11883)))"
  • The first and last coordinates should be the same.

Immovable policy

  • Immovable policy CSV upload allows you to create and update immovable policies, and create asset types.

  • It also allows soft deleting of policies and their asset types.
  • Immovable policies are unique based on the 'name' field.

  • A unique asset type hierarchy must be linked to an immovable policy.

  • The complete asset type hierarchy consists of four fields representing Level 0 to Level 3: asset type, component type, descriptor type, descriptor general.

    • Only L0 and L1 are mandatory. If you leave L2 empty, but entered L3, only L0 and L1 will by considered.

  • When a policy changes its asset type hierarchy, unused asset types are deleted.

Using the template

  • To create a new immovable policy, a unique 'name' must be entered.

  • To update an existing immovable policy, an existing 'name' must be entered.

  • The following fields cannot be empty:

    • name

    • asset type (Level 0)

    • component type (Level 1)

    • eul

    • annual maintenance budget percentage

    • residual value percentage

    • measurement enabled (1...3)

      • measurement min (if measurement enabled = true)

      • measurement max (if measurement enabled = true)

      • measurement_description (if measurement enabled = true)

  • The following fields must be integers / whole numbers:

    • annual maintenance budget percentage

    • residual value percentage

  • The following fields must be decimals:

    • eul

    • size (if entered)

    • unit rate (if entered)

    • measurement min

    • measurement max

  • The 'name' field cannot be duplicated in the csv file.

  • The complete asset type hierarchy cannot be duplicated in this file.

  • The complete asset type hierarchy has to be unique / not linked to another immovable policy.

  • If measurement min and max values are 0.00 - no restriction is applied when capturing measurements for assets on the mobile.

  • Size convert formula and Extent convert formula fields must be an exact match to one of the following if a formula is entered:

    • One Unit

    • Cylindrical Volume

    • Measure 1 x Measure 2

    • Measure 1 x Measure 2 x Measure 3

    • Measure 2 x Measure 3

    • Measure 1

    • Measure 2

    • Measure 3

  • To soft delete a policy and its asset type, the deleted field must be true. You cannot create a new policy and soft delete it at the same time. Therefore, first create the policies (deleted = FALSE), create the assets to link to policies, then delete soft delete the relevant policies (Deleted = TRUE)

Immovable asset

Last updated 2022-11-14

  • Immovable asset CSV upload allows you to create and update immovable assets.

  • Immovable assets are unique based on the 'asset number' field.

Using the template

  • To create a new immovable asset, a unique 'asset number' must be entered.

  • To update an existing immovable asset, an existing 'asset number' must be entered.

  • The following fields cannot be empty:

    • asset number

    • active

    • policy name

    • facility gis number

    • latitude

    • longitude

  • The following fields must be integers / whole numbers:

    • criticality grade

    • performance grade

    • cost of operation grade

    • utilisation grade

    • condition grade

  • The following fields must be decimals:

    • longitude

    • latitude

    • measurement 1

    • measurement 2

    • measurement 3

  • The following fields need to exist / already be in the database:

    • policy name — Find at Settings → Immovables → Policies

    • facility gis number — Find at Immovables → Facility Register

    • criticality grade (if entered) — Find at Settings → System Configuration → Criticality Grade

    • performance grade (if entered) — Find at Settings → System Configuration → Performance Grade

    • cost of operation grade (if entered) — Find at Settings → System Configuration → Cost of Operation Grade

    • utilisation grade (if entered) — Find at Settings → System Configuration → Utilisation Grade

    • condition grade (if entered) — Find at Settings → System Configuration → Condition Grade

    • deletion reason (if entered, else default) — Find at Settings → Immovables → Asset Verification Status Lists → Configure Deletion Reason

    • non verification reason (if entered, else default) — Find at Settings → Immovables → Asset Verification Status Lists → Configure Non Verification Reason

    • newly created reason (if entered, else default) — Find at Settings → Immovables → Asset Verification Status Lists → Configure Newly Created Reason

    • accounting type hierarchy (if entered, else defaults to facility accounting type) Find at Settings → Immovables → Facilities
    • project reference (if entered) — Find the Unique Project Number at Project Management → Project Register
  • The 'asset number' field cannot be duplicated in the csv file.

Verification Teams

Last updated 2022-10-28

  • Verification teams are linked to Facilities.

  • Verification teams must be created and/or linked to facilities prior to starting the process of take-on or verifications in the field using the mobile app.

Using the template - Verification Team Members CSV

  • To create a veification team the team_name and mobile_number must be entered.

  • A mobile number can be linked to multiple teams.

  • The user (mobile number) need to already exist / already be in the database.

  • One member can belong to up to 200 teams.

Using the template - Verification Team Facility CSV

  • To link the verification team to facilities the team_name and facility_gis_number must be entered.

  • A facility can only be linked to one team (the facility_gis_number must be unique) 

Using the template - Unlink Verification Team Facilities CSV

  • To unlink a facility and verification team, the team_name and facility_gis_number must be entered.

Using the template - Unlink Verification Team Members CSV

  • To unlink a team member and verification team, the team_name and user (mobile_number) must be entered.

Immovable Asset Disposal

Last updated 2022-10-28

  • To dispose of an immovable asset

Using the template

  • The following fields cannot be blank
    • asset number
    • asset disposal reason
    • asset disposal date
  • The following fields must exist
    • asset number
    • asset disposal reason — Find at Settings → System Configuration → Disposal Type (description)
  • asset_disposal_date should be formulated yyyy-mm-dd

Variable Valuation

Last updated 2022-10-28

Immovable Asset Variable Valuation

  • Variable Valuation CSV upload allows you to create unit rates for different sizes per immovable policy.
  • Currently only supports the create of new records, not update.

Using the template

  • To create a new record, complete all the fields.
  • All fields are mandatory.
  • An existing immovable policy name should be entered.
  • Size and unit rate are decimal fields.

Immovable Asset Variable Valuation Deletion

  • Variable Valuation Delete CSV upload allows you to delete unit rates and sizes for an immovable policy when preparing unit rates for the new financial year.

Using the template

  • The record id must be entered. — Find at Settings → Immovables → Variable Valuation (record id)


Last updated: 2022-11-14

  • The suburbs CSV upload allows you to create and updates suburbs, and update their polygon geometry data.
  • The suburb name is unique for each suburb.

Using the template

  • The following fields cannot be empty:
    • suburb name
  • The geometry field should contain the polygon geometry data for the suburb. The csv format should look as follows and be encapsulated with quotes, which should be automatic when exporting a file to CSV:
    "MULTIPOLYGON (((24.76801 -29.11883,24.76617 -29.12147,24.76533 -29.12103,24.7646 -29.122,24.76236 -29.12099,24.76235 -29.121,24.76176 -29.12172,24.76168 -29.12183,24.7613 -29.1223,24.76091 -29.1221,24.75923 -29.12119,24.75869 -29.1209,24.75865 -29.12088,24.75682 -29.11989,24.75683 -29.11988,24.7575 -29.11899,24.75785 -29.11853,24.75521 -29.11707,24.75598 -29.11611,24.75597 -29.11611,24.75429 -29.11515,24.75585 -29.11322,24.75681 -29.11204,24.75973 -29.11344,24.75985 -29.1135,24.76227 -29.11469,24.76343 -29.11527,24.76345 -29.11528,24.76346 -29.11528,24.76518 -29.11613,24.76867 -29.11785,24.76866 -29.11786,24.76825 -29.11848,24.76801 -29.11883)))"
  • The first and last coordinates should be the same.

Insurance Register

Last updated: 2023-01-18

  • The immovable insurance register CSV upload allows the user to create and update an insurance register record per asset.
  • The asset number entered should correspond to an immovable asset that exists in SAMS.

Using the template

  • The following field cannot be empty and should exist:
    • asset_number

Financial Accounting Data

Last updated: 2023-02-18

  • The immovable financial accounting data CSV upload allows the user to create and update a financial accounting record per asset.
  • The asset number entered should correspond to an immovable asset that exists in SAMS.

Using the template

  • The following field cannot be empty and should exist:
    • asset_number

5. Movable Assets


  • custodian

  • A financial year has to be set before uploading any movables data. Settings → System Configuration → Financial Year

Recommended order of upload:

  • movable policies, and spaces

  • movable assets

Movable Assets

  • To create a new asset, a unique name (barcode) has to be entered.
  • To update an existing asset, the asset name (barcode)or asset id has to be entered.
  • The following fields cannot be empty:
    • policy_name
    • room_name
    • name (asset barcode)
  • The following fields need to exist
    • policy name
    • room_name

Movable spaces

Last updated 2022-10-27

  • Movable spaces CSV upload allows you to create and update movable spaces i.e. site, building, floor and rooms and assign it to a custodian (responsible_person)

  • Movable spaces are unique based on the 'room' field.

Using the template

  • To create a new space, a unique 'room' must be entered. The 'room' field cannot be duplicated in the csv file.

  • To update an existing space, an existing 'room' must be entered.

  • The following fields cannot be empty:

    • custodian_barcode

    • site

    • building
    • floor
    • room
  • The following fields need to exist / already be in the database:

    • custodian_barcode (Custodian Barcode)

To add a custodian: Settings → Custodians → New Custodian

Movable policy

  • Movable policy CSV upload allows you to create and update movable policies, and create and update asset types.

  • Immovable policies are unique based on the 'policy_name' field.

  • A unique asset type hierarchy must be linked to an immovable policy.

  • The complete asset type hierarchy consists of three fields representing Level 0 to Level 2: Main, Sub, Description.

Using the template

  • To create a new movable policy, a unique 'policy_name' must be entered.

  • To update an existing immovable policy, an existing 'policy_name' must be entered.

  • The following fields cannot be empty:

    • policy_name

    • type_level_0 (asset type main level)

    • type_level_1 (asset type sub level)
    • type_level_2 (asset type description)

Movable asset additions

Last updated 2022-03-24

  • Movable asset additions CSV upload allows you to create additions.

Using the template

  • The following fields are required:

    • gl_account
    • cost_centre
    • transaction_type
    • document_reference
    • supplier_name
    • addition_date
    • match_gl
    • source_of_funding_comma_sep
  • transaction_type must be one of the following
    • Invoice
    • Journal
    • Donation Received
  • addition_date must have the format yyyy-mm-dd
  • The source_of_funding_comma_sep field must contain a list of comma separated description fields wrapped in double quotes like the following: "National Department,Provincial Department".
    The list of available descriptions can be seen on the Settings → System Configuration → Source of Funding screen.
  • The barcode does not have to exist yet.

Movable asset disposal

Last updated 2022-04-11

Movable asset disposals CSV upload allows you to dispose of movable assets in bulk.

Using the template:

  • The following fields are required:
    • barcode
    • council_approved
  • council_approved must be true or false
  • disposal_date must have the format yyyy-mm-dd
  • If disposal_reason is entered, it must exist in Settings → System Configuration → Disposal Type

Insurance Register

Last updated: 2023-01-18

  • The movable insurance register CSV upload allows the user to create and update an insurance register record per asset.
  • The asset barcode entered should correspond to a movable asset that exists in SAMS.

Using the template

  • The following field cannot be empty and should exist:
    • asset_barcode

Financial Accounting Data

Last updated: 2023-02-18

  • The movable financial accounting data CSV upload allows the user to create and update a financial accounting record per asset.
  • The asset barcode entered should correspond to a movable asset that exists in SAMS.

Using the template

  • The following field cannot be empty and should exist:
    • asset_barcode

6. Work Orders

Recommended order of upload:

  • material supplier

  • material master

Templates are available to download.

Each line is validated before uploading. In the case where one or more lines fail, error message(s) will indicate the reason(s) for failing in the failed table.

Material Master

  • Material Master CSV upload allows you to create and update Material Master items.

  • Material Master items are unique based on the ‘internal part code’ field.

Using the template

  • To create a new Material Master, a unique ‘internal part code’ must be entered.

  • To update an existing Material Master, an existing ‘internal part code’ must be entered.

  • The following fields cannot be empty:

    • internal part code

    • unit_cost_excl

    • supplier_code

  • The following fields have to be decimal:

    • unit_cost_excl

    • min_level (if entered)

    • max_level (if entered)

    • re_order_level (if entered)

    • re_order_qty (if entered)

  • The following field needs to exist / already be in the database:

    • supplier_code

    • alternative_supplier_code (if entered)

  • The 'internal part code' field cannot be duplicate in this file.

Material Supplier

  • Material Supplier CSV upload allows you to create and update Material Supplier items.

  • Material Supplier items are unique based on the ‘supplier code’ field.

Using the template

  • To create a new Material Supplier, a unique ‘supplier code’ must be entered.

  • To update an existing Material Supplier, an existing ‘supplier code’ must be entered.

  • The following fields cannot be empty:

    • supplier code

    • name

  • The following fields have to be integer:

    • address_postal_code (if entered)

  • The 'supplier code' field cannot be duplicate in this file.

Service Request

Last updated: 2023-01-18

  • The service request CSV upload allows you to create and update Service Requests.
  • Service Requests are unique based on their request numbers

Using the template

  • In order to create a new service request, leave request_number blank. A unique request number will automatically be generated by the system.
  • In order to update a service request, enter an existing request_number.
  • The following fields have to be completed
    • type_of_request
    • requester_full_name
    • requester_telephone
    • description
    • At least one of site_address or asset_movable (barcode) or asset_immovable (asset number) or facility (facility gis number), or both latitude and longitude must be completed
  • The following fields have to exist in the system
    • asset_movables (barcode)
    • asset_immovable (asset number)
    • facility (faciliity gis number)
    • type_of_request — Find at Settings → Work Orders → Configure Types of Work
    • priority ('High', 'Medium', 'Low', 'Emergency', 'Scheduled')
    • department_code — Find at Settings → Custodians → Manage Departments
  • The following fields have to be decimal
    • latitude
    • longitude
  • requester_telephone has to start with 27 and be 11 digits long.

7. Project Management


This CSV upload updates an existing or creates a new project. Lookup is done on the project_unique_number, to determine whether the project exists or not.

Using the template

  • To create a new project, project_unique_no should be unique.

  • To update a project, an existing project_unique_no should be entered.

  • The following fields are required:

    • name

    • project_unique_no

    • tender_no

    • cost_centre

    • class

    • sub_class

  • If entered, status should be one of the following fields: 'Completed', 'Expensed', 'Impaired', 'Work In Progress'.

  • If entered, condition_grade should exists (integer).

  • The following fields should be decimals if entered:

    • budget

    • transfer_to_completed

    • latitude

    • longitude

  • completion_date should have the format yyyy-mm-dd if entered.


This CSV upload creates a new transaction. Existing transactions can't be modified with this upload.

Project lookup is done on the project_unique_number only.

The source_of_funding_comma field must contain a list of description fields like the following: "National Department,Provincial Department". The list of available descriptions can be seen on the Project Mgmt → Transactions List → Add Transaction in the "Select Source Of Funding" table.

Using the template

  • A project with project_unique_no should exist.

  • The field transaction_unique_no should be unique. No transaction with the same number should exist before CSV upload.

  • The field source_of_funding_comma should contain valid values.

  • The following fields are required:

    • transaction_unique_no

    • project_unique_no

    • source_of_funding_comma

    • gl_reference

    • supplier_name

    • doc_reference

    • invoice_date

    • capital_amount_ex_vat

    • capital_amount_incl_vat

  • The following fields should be decimals if entered

    • capital_amount_ex_vat

    • capital_amount_incl_vat

    • retention_amount

    • transfer_to_completed

  • invoice_date should have the format yyyy-mm-dd if entered.

8. System Admin


Last updated 2022-10-27

This CSV upload creates a new user and can assign a role.

  • The following fields are required:
    • mobile_number (should start with 27 and be 11 numeric characters long)
  • If entered, the user_role field should be one of the following:
    • Auditor
    • Immovables_Admin
    • Immovables_Transactional_User
    • Immovables_Viewer
    • Initiator
    • Movables_Admin
    • Movables_Transactional_User
    • Movables_Viewer
    • Sensor_Admin
    • Sensor_Viewer
    • System_Administrator
    • Work_Order_Admin
  • The following fields should be true or false
    • mobile_access
  • If entered, a department should exist (lookup via department name).
    Departments can be viewed at Settings → Custodians → Manage Departments

9. Custodians and Departments


Last update 2022-10-19

  • The following fields are required
    • Code
    • Name
  • The Code field is the unique identifier of the department.


Last update 2022-10-27

  • To create a new custodian, enter a unique barcod.

  • To update an existing custodian, enter the custodian's barcode.

  • The following fields have to exist
    • department (department code)
  • The same name cannot be used for a different barcode.

10. Grades

Last updated: 2023-02-18

Criticality grade

  • Criticality grade CSV upload allows you to create and update criticality grades.

  • Criticality grades are unique based on the 'value' field.

Using the template

  • To create a new criticality grade, a unique 'value' must be entered.

  • To update an existing criticality grade, an existing 'value' must be entered.

  • None of the fields can be empty.

  • The 'value' field should be an integer.

Performance grade

  • Performance grade CSV upload allows you to create and update performance grades.

    • Performance grades are unique based on the 'value' field.

Using the template

  • To create a new performance grade, a unique 'value' must be entered.

  • To update an existing performance grade, an existing 'value' must be entered.

  • None of the fields can be empty.

  • The 'value' field should be an integer.

Cost Of Operation grade

  • Cost of operation grade CSV upload allows you to create and update cost of operation grades.

  • Cost of operation grades are unique based on the 'value' field.

Using the template

  • To create a new cost of operation grade, a unique 'value' must be entered.

  • To update an existing cost of operation grade, an existing 'value' must be entered.

  • None of the fields can be empty.

  • The 'value' field should be an integer.

Utilisation grade

  • Utilisation grade CSV upload allows you to create and update utilisation grades.

  • Utilisation grades are unique based on the 'value' field.

Using the template

  • To create a new utilisation grade, a unique 'value' must be entered.

  • To update an existing utilisation grade, an existing 'value' must be entered.

  • None of the fields can be empty.

  • The 'value' field should be an integer.

Condition grade

  • Condition grade CSV upload allows you to create and update condition grades.

  • Condition grades are unique based on the 'value' field.

Using the template

  • To create a new condition grade, a unique 'value' must be entered.

  • To update an existing condition grade, an existing 'value' must be entered.

  • None of the fields can be empty.

  • The 'value' field should be an integer greater than 0.

  • The 'rul_factor' field should be a decimal value from 0.00 to 1.00.