Control Structures



The return statement terminates the execution of a function and returns a value to the calling function.

string getGreeting(string name)
    return Strings:concat("Hello, ", name);



if statement

if(name == "Tom") {
    Mez:log("Hello Tom!");
} else if (name == "Frank") {
    Mez:log("Hello Frank!");
} else {
    Mez:log("Hi! Who are you?");





for loops

for(;;) {
    // Technically not possible, as iterations
    // have a limit.
    Mez:log("Infinite loop!");
for(int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
int i = 0;
for(; i < 10;) {
    Mez:log("While style loop!");


foreach loop

SomeObject[] objectCollection = SomeObject:all();
foreach(SomeObject currentObject: objectCollection) {
	currentObject.description = "Foreach style loop!";




Additional Mentions and References