South Africa ID Number Checksum Validation
South Africa ID Number Checksum Validation
create or replace
function validate_sa_id_number(id_number text)
returns boolean
language plpgsql
char_val char;
i int := 1;
digit int := 0;
weight int := 0;
sub_total int := 0;
total int := 0;
check_digit int;
calculated_digit int;
-- Check if the id number is 13 digits long
if length(id_number) != 13 then
return false;
end if;
foreach char_val in array regexp_split_to_array(id_number, '') loop
exit when i > 12;
digit := char_val::int;
weight := (case when (i % 2) = 0 then 2 else 1 end);
sub_total := digit * weight;
-- If sub_total is two digits, sum the digits
if sub_total > 9 then
sub_total := (sub_total / 10) + (sub_total % 10);
end if;
total := total + sub_total;
i := i + 1;
end loop;