In order to configure an app for payments the following details need to be specified in your support request:
The Helium server where the app is located
The unique identifier (UUID) of your app
The M-Pesa account number also known as the shortcode
All objects that are involved in payments. In other words the objects that represent entities making payments and receiving payments in the app. In the example shown in Lesson 12 of the tutorial, the objects are Farmer and Shop. For each object the following should also be specified:
The field on the object that is to be used as an M-Pesa identifier
The type of M-Pesa identifier that is represented by the field mentioned above. This can, for example, be an MSISDN (such as a mobile number) or a till number.
If there are multiple accounts being used in your app, please also specify the following in addition to the above items:
The M-Pesa account number also known as the shortcode for all accounts
A field on one of the payment objects or an object related to a payment object that represents an account to be used.
The values used to represent accounts on the field mentioned above, can be arbitrary, but a mapping also needs to be specified that maps possible values of this field with actual accounts represented by the account number specified in point 1 of this section.
Configuring apps for M-pesa payments is a complex topic. To assist assist with the understanding of this please see the two examples shown in the sections that follow.
Once the content of your request has been finalised it can be sent using the following channels:
For internal Mezzanine developers, create a JIRA ticket on the HE project.
For external PaaS client developers, send an e-mail with your request to Mezzanine Support at
Example 1: Single M-Pesa Account
Pay Built-In Function Usage
Relevant Model
Request Example
Example 2: Mutiple M-Pesa Accounts
Pay Built-In Function Usage
Relevant Model
Request Example
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