- We manage SVS DSL source code in Bitbucket with Git
- Master - Tags - Here resides the currently deployed production code
- Tags - Labeled in the with the following versioning standard numeric value X.Y.X , e.g 1.0.0
X.Y.X refers to <MAJOR>.<MINOR>.<PATCH> - Increment in X should happen only when there is to a Major release , such newly release SVS 2.0.0 Module containing the Stock Receiving Functionality
- Y - Recent improvements in the current Module. This should contain release from client request and Team Major Maintenance request.
- X - Small patches release such as bug fixes on a production.
- Team must still decide if it wants prefix be for the versioning. e.g svs-1.0.0 or svs-musika-1.0.0
- Developer - Should be branched from master and used as a current branch where all developer branches are created and merged to while waiting deployment deployment to production.