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  • Customer give activate sharing of API on MFW
  • Activate on

  • How To : Activate the API access on an ACWEB Profile


    It is possible to grant API access to your ACWEB profile data to third-party vendors. The API access will allow pre-approved software vendors to retrieve your Profile data. The API will grant access to a specific profile's soil moisture and temperature data. All profile related data will also be available.

    How to do this:

    To activate the API access to a profile can be done from any ACWEB access level.

    1. Inside the PROFILE Edit window, go to Hardware
    2. Check the API Access checkbox
      • mceclip0.pngImage Modified
    3. Click on Add Vendor button and select the third-party vendor to whom you want to grant access
    4. Click SAVE

    Widget Connector

    • Search and choose correct farm where probes is located.  (Customer should supply this info).
    • Tick box (Has Aquacheck farm)
      • Image Added
    • Check on MFW if probes appear.
      • If not, probes are not lying in farm borders. - Contact GIS to add farm boundries
    • Done