Versions Compared


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These BIFs can be used to build up a complex selector for reading sets of data from the persistence layer. These BIFs are accessed via the pseudo unit with the same name as the object that is being queried eg. “Person” or “Car”

allSimple all
emptyDetermine whether a variable is empty
betweenSelect a range of data between two values
Less or equals check
lessThanCheck if value is less than the value being compared to
greaterThanCheck if value is greater than the value being compared to
attributeInAttribute In
relationshipInRelationship In
containsCheck is collection has element(s)
beginsWithBegin with
endsWithEnd with
notEqualsNot Equals
notEmptyNot empty
notBetweenNot between the data or elements
notContainsCollection does not contain element(s)
notBeginWithNot begin with
notEndsWithCheck if value does not end with value being compared to
notAttributeInAttribute not in the given domain
notRelationshipInUse to check for relationship
diffUse to check for differences
andAnd (in most cases, use this rather than intersect)

These BIFs perform operations on single persistent entities. They are accessed via a method call on a variable holding an object instance or on the pseudo unit with the same name as the object that the method is being performed on