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Page Properties

DescriptionManipulate data inside an application instance, i.e. CRUD operations (Create-Read-Update-Delete) on data objects


This is the documentation for the Helium Apps V1 API. Every application on the Helium platform exposes its data model automatically via a REST API.

This means a 3rd party can connect to this API, and perform CRUD operations on the objects available to an app.

  • All REST API resources accepts JSON and returns JSON or empty result.
  • Create, Read, Update and Delete objects, as well as linking and unlinking of relationships
  • Each API call is forced over authenticated HTTPS
  • HTTP status code is 20x if the operation was successful.
  • Selector parameter to request collections based on simple criteria.


This document refers to {BASE_URL} which is the API endpoint, e.g.{appId}

Also note that {appId} above needs to be replaced with the Helium app Id.


We use API credentials to allow access to the API.

The API expects these credentials to be passed with each request as HTTP basic auth.


You can request your very own API credentials via JIRA. The user will be your cell number.

Apps API V1

Create / Update Object

Code Block
titlePOST Request
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
   -u "user:password" \
   -d @payload.json \

Code Block
titleResponse Payload
  "attributes": {
    "firstname": "John",
    "surname": "Doe",
    "birthyear": 1985

HTTP Request

Code Block
POST {BASE_URL}/{objectType}/{objectId}

This endpoint creates an object or updates an existing object. If attributes are omitted, the existing attributes are left as-is (in the case of an update).


objectTypeThe object type reflecting a persistent object in Helium
objectIdThe existing or the newly chosen object UUID (v4)
attributesAttributes within the object that needs to be set

Get All Objects

Code Block
curl -X GET -u "user:password" {BASE_URL}/Person