Versions Compared
Version | Old Version 3 | New Version 4 |
Changes made by | ||
Saved on |
- This line was added.
- This line was removed.
- Formatting was changed.
Functional Requirements
HD-1798: Feature - Frontend - Change the site layout
HD-1831: Wave 2 Feature - Wiki text widget
HD-1840: Button - add tooltip on button
HD-1847: Buttons - force widget action buttons to group
HD-5409: Layout - change the central block width to fluid
HD-5414: Data table - display big data better - compact smaller font
HD-5415: Layout - hide lefthand menu
HD-5417: Data table - when there are no headings you should not be given the option to search on them
HD-5422: Data table - add column lines
HD-5445: Input - search on a select box
HD-5446: Wall widget make the ticket hight as small as possible
HD-5455: Data table - removed unused footer
HD-5494: Document new features for Helium Rapid 1.56.x
HD-4049: Safaricom Mpesa C2B Payment Driver - Use Recipient Identifier as Party B
HD-5382: New and old UI : Doesn't scroll to the top
HD-2033: Wave 2 Feature - Add frontend variant to buttons
BETA Deployment | 2024-05-06 |
Production Deployment | 2024-05-09 |
Bug Fixes
HD-5378: New UI app site: Popup notifications doesn't disappear
HD-5410: Refresh interval does not work on the wall widget
HD-5411: When logged in it highlights your role in the list of roles right top
HD-5454: New UI app site: Show current active role
HD-5492: New UI Map unresponsive with large datasets
HD-5497: New UI bug: Generate Jasper Report